Medical Education: Secretary


Tanisa Tyeba

Hi everyone! My name is Tanisa and I would love to be your next MedEd secretary. :) The role that MedEd has had so far in my journey as a medical student has been invaluable. I am keen to give back to something that has been so useful for me. I am very excited to be a part of this society and hope to build my skills even further as Secretary! Taking on many responsibilities in the past, I have built valuable s ...

Anoushka Khot

Hi I'm Anoushka, a first year medic who would cherish in the opportunity to be your Secretary for MedEd Society. My priorities would involve widening the scope of events through which Medical Education reaches out to you, its members. Through my previous experience in such roles, as Head of Debate Committee and School Council representative, I have developed the skills to organise events and communicate our activity, ...

Carlotta Giacchero

Vote for Carlotta - here's why you gotta! Experience, Dedication, all with A Smile :) This past year I have worked as Secretary for both Teddy Bear Hospital and PsychSoc's Mind Over Matter conference, gaining important administrative experience. In these societies I have ensured the smooth running of events, created bulletins to promote effective communication between committee and members, and showed adaptability t ...

Jonathan Kow

Hi, I’m Jonathan and I’m running to be your next MedEd Society Secretary. I have various experiences that will make me an effective Secretary. In the Teddy Bear Subcommittee and MedTech Committee Subcommittee, I have learnt to organise meetings, liaise with external parties and plan various events. As a Third Sergeant in the Singapore Navy in charge of a section of 12 men, I have honed my communication ...