Physics: Treasurer


Shivam Belekar

Dear Physoc Members I am excited to run for the role of Physoc treasurer this year, so that I can take part in helping run the best society of the (quite evidently) best deparment at Imperial! As a physics enthusiast (like all of you I'm sure) and experienced money saver, I believe that you will see that I can be trusted with the society's funds, and will use them as efficiently as possible. Experience During sixt ...

Zijun Chen

My name is Zijun Chen and I am a second-year student. The following is a list of things I stand for and how they would be reached. Transparency:As members of the community, all of us have a right to know the revenues and the spending of the committee and be able to voice suggestions based on that data as revenues are generally collected in events that a lot of members participate in or products we buy. This can be ...

Killai Parameswaran

Hi guys, I'm Killai, a second-year physicist, and I am running for Physoc treasurer this year. As treasurer, I aim to carefully manage our finances, submitting a comprehensive annual budget and overseeing seamless transactions, donations, reimbursements, and payments. Career opportunities have always been valued by the Physoc community and I will, in conjunction with the Careers & Sponsorship Officer, aim to ex ...