Photo of Kalista Lam

Kalista Lam


Hey guys! I'm Kalista and I am running to be your next ICSM RAG Chair!

Having spent this year on sponsorship for RAG, I was fortunate to get first- hand experience raising money; arguably the most important and challenging part of event planning. I’ve had experience organising fan favourites like Circle Line, the first ever RAG Conference, or leading the inaugural End of Year Dinner Gala. I’ve seen and learnt a lot about how to plan and carry out events through the tough times to bring the best experience to YOU.

RAG is an accumulation of many years of hard work from various chairs; I’m excited to build upon everything the team has done this year! Ideas for next year ⬇️

1. Getting clubs and societies involved

I’d like to host events to raise money within your clubs/societies! (maybe even compete against each other 👀)

2. Being more involved within the community

Raising and GIVING. It’s not just about monetary donations- I’d love to partner with local charities to give back to the community we're proud to be a part of!

3. Most importantly, have fun!!

Alongside the main events, RAG is also about having fun and going ahead with those possibly crazy initiatives. I want to hear what you guys want to do and make as much of it possible, whilst still raising money for amazing causes!

Thank you for making it this far- much appreciated. Now vote!! I hope I can be your next RAG Chair :)
