Photo of Anthea MacIntosh-LaRocque

Anthea MacIntosh-LaRocque

Council Chair


I’m running for re-election as Union Council Chair.

At Imperial, I have held multiple representative and leadership positions, including:

  • Union Council Chair;
  • RCSU Vice President Welfare;
  • Physics Departmental Wellbeing Representative;
  • Wellbeing Year Rep.

From this experience, I have gained an in-depth understanding of the workings and policy of the Union.

This year, I have been working to make Council more inclusive, transparent, and accessible, but I know my work is far from over. Many of you may not even know what Union Council is – and I want to change that.

Union Council is the democratic voice of Imperial students. At Council, students can enact new policy and hold the Union to account, ultimately ensuring that our Union represents and works for us.

Under my leadership, Council has seen improved oversight of policy passed by Council through the reintroduction of an action tracker. Council has also seen engagement with the wider student body through Council’s new stand at Welcome Fair.

As Council Chair, I pledge to continue striving to make Council:

  • Inclusive: empowering all students to voice concerns at Council;
  • Transparent: ensuring the student body knows how Union decisions are made;
  • Accessible: enabling students to engage with Council in a meaningful way.

How will I achieve this?

  • Coordinate drop-in stands on campus to enhance students’ understanding of Council;
  • Communicate the deadlines for proposing new/revised policy at Council to the wider student body;
  • Publicise Council decisions and how they impact students across Imperial.