Photo of Emmanuelle Ghaleb

Emmanuelle Ghaleb

Bio Engineering: Vice President

Hi !

I'm Emmanuelle, I’m a third year BME student and I'm thrilled to put forth my candidacy for the role of Vice President. With a creative spirit and experience in organizing events at the Raising & Giving society where I have held an executive position for the past 2 years, I'm eager to bring my skills and enthusiasm to our bioengineering community.

Here's what I aspire to accomplish:

  1. Supportive Collaboration: I aim to work hand-in-hand with the committee members, providing support to ensure the society operates seamlessly to make all members feel like they belong.
  2. Joyful Committee Atmosphere: Let's make our committee meetings effective and enjoyable, creating an environment where everyone feels valued to deliver more and better events for everyone.
  3. Organized Execution: My knack for organization will ensure early planning and effective advertising of events, maximizing participation for all.
  4. Transparent Communication: Establishing open lines of communication, not just within the committee but with the entire society, is vital for success. Your thoughts and ideas matter and everyone can stay in the loop.
  5. Professional Growth: I'll strive to organize workshops and networking events, ensuring our members access valuable tools for success in their future careers.

Thank you for considering me! Let's make the Bioengineering Society even more remarkable together.


Emmanuelle :)