Bio Engineering: President


Evelina McElhone

Hi everyone, I'm Evelina! If my name looks familiar, it might be because you've been receiving ✨📣emoji-heavy📣✨, really exciting texts from me througout the year. Lucky for you, those will stop soon, as I’m running for President! (no promises you won't be receiving them from another annoying publicity officer next year - sorry) Bioengineering society has been a huge part of my Imperial journey, right from ...

Neo Perera

The bioengineering society plays a crucial role in connecting students with their departmental beyond academia. Having been an events coordinator this year, I aim to build on the foundation laid by previous committees, increasing the variety and frequency of activities offered. Securing Sponsorships to Increase Event Frequency and Quality: Funds enable upscaling of the Christmas Dinner and Summer party, and more fr ...