After struggling through as tackle master, and getting by as treasurer, I feel ready to give presidency a stab! How badly can it go? Next year, please expect club running to continue in much the same way. timely minibus departures and arrivals good communication and clear emails limiting hostility with union and encouraging positive change A few changes I will make: Second term is for fun trips! N.Wal ...
This candidate did not supply a manifesto.
Cavers, whether you fit a 1A or 4B PVC, a size 4 or size 12 welly, here me out. This club has recently fallen into shambles, and it is time that I have taken the matter into my hands personally. There is a surprising, unexplainable lack of faff that permeates the club to every level. As president, I make sure that sh*t will happen, and to accept the unavoidable sweet, sweet faff with open arms. What good is a York ...
This candidate did not supply a manifesto.