In this role I will follow the example set by Niamh in her time as hon sec (she’s done such a slay job), apart from I will try not get my stolen in the one week where everything happens…. I will use the experience I have gained from being L2s captain, if I can manage to get the 2s from one place to another I’m sure I can keep the exec in line. I will be there to support everyone in their roles, tr ...
Hello, Hockey! My name is Chayna and I'm running to be your Honorary Secretary next year! For those I haven't properly had the chance to chat with, here's a little about me: I joined ICHC all the way back in '19 meaning I've now spent 5 years with the club and 3 years on committee. This should give you a clue as to how much I love ICHC! (and how old I am) Most recently, I've really enjoyed being one of your Mixed ...