Mountaineering: Social Secretary


Arav Oodit

Attention members! It is time to vote in your rightful social sec and I'm going to tell you why that is me. Yes I am a fresher, which I would argue makes me far better for the role than any pensioner (sorry pres) too atrophied to organize socials. I vow to my fellow members that I will throw so many socials that you will be begging me to seek a therapist. I might've emphasised a lot of wild nights but a potential bo ...

Luane Branthonne

pub and all

Gabriel Salt

"Vote for Gabe, Gabe is a dedicated, motivated individual who loves mountaineering, having already been on a couple of trips and being an all-round legend" - Alex Weir. I will certainly bring unique socials to the community - I am overflowing with ideas for how to make mountaineering a more welcoming and fun society. Despite not going for gear sec, I will also do as much as possible to ensure that when people need th ...