Consultancy: President


Roman Ogorodnov

Hi all! My name is Roman and I'm running for the ICCS President role after witnessing the impact a group of 20-year-olds can have on the companies they consult, as well as the rest of the student body. I had the privilege of contributing to this impact as VP of Projects from June 2023 to April 2024, and wish to continue making a difference where it matters. Why vote for me? During my tenure, my main objective was ...

Cino Jaeger

Hello everyone!! My name is Cino Jaeger and I am the society's current Treasurer. I am running for president as I'm passionate about consulting and think the society is one of the most active and impactful ones. How am I qualified? I have been part of the society for 2 years now. What sets me apart from other candidates is my position as Treasurer. Being on the committee this year has given me the insight I need ...