Photo of Kahngjoon Koh

Kahngjoon Koh

DJ & Production: Treasurer


I am Kahngjoon Koh and I am running for Treasurer for IC Soundsystems. I haven’t been in this society for long, but I am already having so much fun exploring new music and new people. So, I wanted to find a way to contribute to the society.

Obviously, it is best if I can help the society with my strengths. As a computing major, I figured that my numerical skills could come in handy when managing society funds. I also play stocks in my spare time so you can trust me on financial knowledge.

My goals as a treasurer are to manage the money to the best interest of the society and its members and to allocate budget for events, equipments, and any other needs. Addition to that, I will be working closely with the other society leaderships as well as listening carefully to general opinions.

I hope I can make the society more exciting. Vote for me :)