Dermatology (ICSM): Vice Chair


Marco Chan

Research shows that a first impression is made within 7 seconds. What is the first thing you notice when you meet someone? Their Skin. My name is Marco, currently a second year medical student who is passionate about dermatology. From Psoriasis to Palmoplantar Pustulosis, as your vice chair I pledge to do everything in my ability to not only give you the knowledge to pass your exams but to satisfy your academic inter ...

Sayana Santhirasegar

Hey guys, I'm Sayana, a third year medic and your current treasurer. I love learning and teaching others about skincare and skin health (especially the link between lifestyle and skin health). I hope to get more involved in planning events this year, collaborate with other societies and maybe help plan our very own ICSM derm conference !

Naitry Patel

Hey, my name is Naitry and I am running for the position of Vice Chair. The diversity of conditions and the highly visual nature attract me to the field of Dermatology. Through experience, I understand the power skin, hair and nails play in overall quality of life. The holistic approach and research behind lifestyle, genetics and environment provide a lot of depth to explore. Above my curiosity for the field, I beli ...