Syeda Quadri
Chemistry: First Year Representative
Hi everyone!
I’m a penultimate year chemist and excited to present my vision for the role of first year representative, aiming to be a catalyst within our vibrant ChemSoc!
First year can be quite overwhelming due to adapting to a new learning environment. Whilst it’s easy for some more than others to meet people outside tutorials/workshops/labs, it is important that everyone should have access to the right support particularly in times of hardship.
As a first year representative I will ensure:
- A continuation in social events for chemunity, chem-families and collaborate with other societies.
- Hold drop in sessions in person or via teams .
- From my previous experience as an academic representative and working with SEC, would deliver feedback to them as well as the academic and well-being representatives.
- Team up with other chemistry students to hold study sessions.
Thank you for reading and I hope you vote for me!