Chemistry: First Year Representative


Anton Pustygin

Howdily-doodily! I am Anton – the First Year Representative for this year, running to be re-elected in this role in addition to the presidency. I have immensely enjoyed being a First Year Rep and, honestly, I cannot imagine leaving this position behind. Finding everyone's perfect ChemFamily match, organising the Welcome Week events and getting to know so many wonderful new people in the process has made for so ...

Syeda Quadri

Hi everyone! I’m a penultimate year chemist and excited to present my vision for the role of first year representative, aiming to be a catalyst within our vibrant ChemSoc! First year can be quite overwhelming due to adapting to a new learning environment. Whilst it’s easy for some more than others to meet people outside tutorials/workshops/labs, it is important that everyone should have access to the r ...

Aakrati Sharma

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.