Photo of Akshaya Muthirulandi

Akshaya Muthirulandi

Obstetrics & Gynaecology: Conference Co-Chair

Hi everyone! My name is Akshaya Muthirulandi, and I’m running for Conference Co-Chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology with Akshaya Muthirulandi.

We are incredibly passionate about Obstetrics and Gynaecology and found the ICOGs conference particularly impactful - it was an excellent opportunity for freshers and older years alike to engage with the speciality. It provided many people with experience in different parts of ObGyn, such as minimally invasive surgery (MIS) practice and completing an ObGyn exam. We thought it was such a precious opportunity for many that we would love to be a part of planning.

Between both of us, we have the experience to run a conference such as this one. I am currently a part of the surgical society subcommittee, which provided insight into organising an event involving workshops (such as the masterclasses offered within the surgical society). Furthermore, my role as the Head of Culture for Imperial’s Tamil society helped teach me organisational and time management skills, especially in organising an event of this calibre.

In the future, we would love to

  1. Increasing the number of workshops available, such as offering a workshop which is a more hands-on approach to Ultrasound scanning
  2. Providing a more diverse pool of consultants, especially looking into adding more about the future of ObGyn and AI innovation

We are incredibly excited to put together an innovative lineup of activities and talks and cannot wait to plan the best conference for all of you!

Thank you and I hope you vote for us :)