Pallav Bagchi
Hi everyone, it’s Pal! I am running for chums and alums officer for 2024/2025.
Now I know that I’m already running for social sec (wooooooooooooooooooo), but chums and alums is also a really important role that slots alongside the social sec role very nicely. As your chums and alums man, I can promise that the alumni of this choir will not be left with a void in their hearts; they will get their fill of chamber choir events, including (but not limited to):
- Pancake day (an ICCCCC (Imperial College Chamber Choir Cult Classic))
- Wine and cheese night (hopefully still involving our resident expert??)
- Annual dinner (working closely with the chair and social secs of course 😉)
- Perhaps more to come (...?)
In addition, the chumship will not be left behind, as I promise consistent updates to the newsletter, lots of advertisements for upcoming concerts and events and mayhaps chum and alum exclusive merch (how cool would that be?)
I look forward to seeing multiple generations of the choir having fun together!!
Once part of the choir, always part of the choir (hehe)