Photo of Shanaya Juneja

Shanaya Juneja

Biology: Academic Events Officer

Hi! My name is Shanaya, I’m a first year and I am very passionate about contributing to and improving @icbiosoc. :)

So , why should you vote for me?

1.) I have experience planning and executing events, such as parent’s evenings, offer holder days and general student council meetings during Sixth Form. Professionally during my work at Waterstones I assisted in the planning and execution of author meet and greets and book related talks (such as those currently held by BioSoc).

2.) I want to make it as easy as possible for everyone to keep informed with academic events, and collaborations with other societies. I am aware that life can often feel like an endless barrage of emails, and I will aim to make sure that all academic events are properly advertised and the information regarding the event is easily accessible!

3.) I want biologists to connect with researchers, other societies, and each other! I think that the best thing about BioSoc is fostering a sense of community and helping each other advance in our degree and the field, whether that means getting to know specific research areas you are interested in, networking, socialising, or gaining knowledge not taught on the syllabus!

Outside of biology, I am part of Fellwanderers, BookSoc and Baking. I love listening to Lana del Rey and Phoebe Bridgers.

If you want to contact me further with questions or just have a chat, please feel free to message me.

Instagram: @shanayajuneja
