Photo of Siya Gupta

Siya Gupta

CGCU: Secretary

Hi all!
I'm Siya, and as CGCU Secretary I will be committed to fostering a transparent, efficient, and inclusive environment for all members. My primary goal is to ensure that every student’s voice is heard, valued, and acted upon.

Key Priorities:

1. Transparency and Communication:
- Regularly update students on council decisions, upcoming events, and opportunities through newsletters and social media.
- Organize open forums and Q&A sessions to facilitate direct communication between students and the Union.

2. Efficient Administration:
- Streamline meeting schedules and ensure minutes are promptly recorded and shared.
- Implement a user-friendly online system for tracking action points and progress, making our Union's work more visible and accountable.

3. Inclusivity and Diversity:
- Advocate for initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion within the Union and across campus.
- Work closely with all constituent societies to ensure a broad representation of interests and backgrounds in our activities and decision-making processes.

4. Support and Resources:
- Offer training sessions and workshops to equip students with the skills they need to succeed.

5. Community Building:
- Promote and organize events that foster a sense of community, from academic support groups to social mixers.
- Collaborate with other Imperial College unions to create a more unified and supportive student body.

Together, we can create a City and Guilds College Union that truly reflects and serves its members. Vote for a proactive, responsive, and inclusive approach to student governance.

Thank you for your support!