Photo of Siya Gupta

Siya Gupta

CGCU: Education Officer

Hi all!

I'm Siya, and as CGCU Education Officer I'll be dedicated to enhancing the academic experience and ensuring that every student's educational needs are met with excellence.

Key Priorities:

1. Academic Advocacy:
- Represent student concerns at departmental and faculty meetings, ensuring your voices are heard at the highest levels.
- Campaign for fair and transparent assessment methods and grading policies across all courses.

2. Support and Resources:
- Standardize access to academic resources, including past exams and revision materials, across departments.
- Develop a comprehensive mentor program for students to receive academic support from upper year students

3. Feedback and Improvement:
- Regularly collect and act on student feedback through surveys, focus groups, and town hall meetings.
- Work with faculty to implement constructive changes based on student input, aiming for continuous improvement in teaching quality and course content.

4. Skill Development:
- Organize workshops and seminars on essential skills, such as exam techniques, time management, and research methods.
- Foster opportunities for interdisciplinary learning and collaboration, preparing students for diverse career paths.

5. Inclusivity in Education:
- Ensure all students, regardless of background, have equal access to academic opportunities and support.
- Advocate for the inclusion of diverse perspectives and materials in the curriculum to enrich the learning experience.

6. Community Engagement:
- Strengthen connections between students, faculty, and industry through networking events, guest lectures, and career fairs.
- Promote collaborative projects and initiatives that link academic work with real-world applications and community service.

Together, we can engineer a better educational experience.

Thank you for your support!