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Riona Linn

Drama (ICSM): President

Don't worry, I'm not running to be your pres again (despite how much fun I had this year teehee) but instead running on behalf of your new dream team: Krit and Cate! (who sadly are unable to officially nominate themselves right now as they don't currently have access to the system)

Here's a short message from them:

Hi everyone, this is Cate and Krit and we’re running to be your co-presidents next year! (Unfortunately we cannot officially hold the position due to Union not recognising our existence, so Riona is very kindly letting us use her name on paper.) We'd love to continue making Drama a chill, supportive environment for everyone in cast and tech, and indoctrinate recruit lots of freshers to join the Drama Fam. Please imagine that there is a raccoon meme here. Thank you all for your consideration <3