Photo of Zelin Shao

Zelin Shao

Chinese Students & Scholars Association: Treasurer

My name is Zelin Shao, and I am running for the position of Treasurer in the Chinese Student Society at Imperial College London. With a strong background in finance and a commitment to transparency and accountability, I am dedicated to ensuring the financial health and sustainability of our society.

If elected, my primary goal will be to manage our society's funds with the utmost responsibility and integrity. I will maintain clear and accurate financial records, provide regular updates on our financial status, and ensure that all expenditures are approved and documented. By implementing efficient budgeting and financial planning, I aim to maximize our resources and support a wide range of cultural, social, and educational activities.

I also plan to introduce new initiatives to boost our society's financial stability. This includes organizing fundraising events, seeking sponsorships, and applying for grants. By diversifying our income streams, we can enhance our activities and provide more opportunities for our members.

My experience in managing budgets and financial reporting, combined with my passion for our society, makes me well-suited for the role of Treasurer. I am committed to serving our community with transparency and dedication, ensuring that every penny is wisely spent to benefit our members.

Thank you for your support and trust.