Chinese Students & Scholars Association: Treasurer


Zelin Shao

My name is Zelin Shao, and I am running for the position of Treasurer in the Chinese Student Society at Imperial College London. With a strong background in finance and a commitment to transparency and accountability, I am dedicated to ensuring the financial health and sustainability of our society. If elected, my primary goal will be to manage our society's funds with the utmost responsibility and integrity. I will ...

Jim Ji

Dear readers of my manifesto, I am delighted to welcome you to my campaign. My name is Jim Ji, and I am a first-year student of Biomedical Technology Ventures. As a responsible and enthusiastic individual, I am running for the position of Treasurer at CSSA. In the past, I have worked as the Vice Minister of the Coordination Department while in high school. Additionally, I have served as a member of the Treasury Dep ...