Photo of Zack Childs

Zack Childs

Live Music: Treasurer

AHOY THERE! As the TREASURER of LMS I pledge to all ye that I shall sail the SEVEN C’s:

  1. Conduct only the most wicked o’ piracy
  2. Care for our treasure!! (booty?) better than Davey Jones’ locker!
  3. Constantly refer to all ye LMS members as “Buccaneers!” and “Me hearty crew!”
  4. Compel any LANDLUBBERS or SCALLYWAGS that dare oppose LMS to WALK THE PLANK!
  5. Change the name o’ LMS to the Looting Merchants Society (LMS)
  6. Celebrate every LMS gig with a hearty swig o’ grog!
  7. Cease as best I can from constantly....doing pirate impressions........

NAYY!! That last one be but a FOOLS's joke for all ye JESTERS and TRICKSTERS out there!!

A vote for me is a vote for PLUNDER! LOOT! and absolutely NO Vitamin-C! ye scurvy dogs!


Zack “Capn' Patchy Beard” Childs (A.K.A. Heneiddio)