Photo of Serena Corry

Serena Corry

Law: Vice Chairman

Hello, I am Serena, a first year medical student.

I am applying for the role of Law Society Vice President because I am very interested in law, in particular its ability to influence all aspects of our lives. Although this is a STEM and Business focused university, law and the legal process will impact our lives hugely regardless of whether we chose to pursue careers in law as it affects the way we publish research, our employment and the way in which we interact with our government to enact change.

As a medical student I am particularly interested in public law which regulates how policies (in particular policies around public health) are made and therefore ensures they are created in a just manner. I am also very interested in medical ethics and patent law.

If elected, I will work diligently to ensure that this Law Society continues to perform excellently. I will also aim to run some more introductory levels sessions to provide an overview and insight into law which will be particularly useful as we all come from a predominantly STEM background. Although I have not had much experience in leadership positions whilst in university, I co-ran both of my school's law societies and was Deputy Head Girl. These roles have improved my organisational and communication skills which will be essential in this role. This also demonstrates that I am responsible, reliable and diligent.

Thank you for reading my manifesto!
