Photo of Varun Vijay Kumar

Varun Vijay Kumar

Cricket: 2nd Team Captain

Mentality monster - that's my nickname here at IC. I believe winning is mindset first, where genuine confidence comes from the preparation you do off-season and before the match through fitness, tactics and drills. This mindset, combined with meticulous preparation and passion, will lead me to a successful stint as 2s captain πŸ”₯.

Good captains lead by example - having taken 13 wickets in 28 overs in my IC career so far with an economy of ~3.5 and emerging as a regular leggie for the 2s and 1s (in the odd game), my performances speak for themselves and instill confidence in myself and the rest of my team. Great captains go one step further, giving advice to other bowlers - which is something I have done at training throughout the season at St. Pauls in the spinners net.

My goal for next year is to win the BUCS league next year and achieve our full potential. I will:

- Make team selection better by discussing roles during training off-season and make a note of when everyone's exams are - since that is a major factor during selection.

- Facillitate more game-based realistic scenarios to take batsmen/bowlers out of the comfort of nets and improve tactically to prevent collapses.

- Drills during training using tennis balls at Holland Park/ so that batsmen can work on individual technical issues and get good volume training in.

Let's have some fun, create some incredible memories and win this league together πŸ’ͺ. ICπŸ”>>>

Cheers, Varun :)