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Feyi Aderombi

African Caribbean: Marketing Officer

I want to be the Marketing and Social Media Officer for the African and Caribbean Society because I am passionate about our culture and community. Growing up in an African household, I have always valued our traditions, stories, and celebrations. Although I don't have formal experience in marketing or social media, I am enthusiastic about learning and using these tools to help our society reach more people and expand.

In this role, I plan to make our society more visible and keep our members engaged. I will develop a social media strategy with regular posts, event promotions, and member highlights to keep everyone informed. I also endeavour to start a monthly newsletter with articles/interviews, and updates on our activities. By working with local influencers and alumni, we can reach more people and showcase our events. I am eager to learn and use different tools to track our progress and adjust our strategies for better results. My goal is to create a lively online presence that reflects our society's values and makes everyone feel like they belong.