Photo of Dionysus Christyselvarajah

Dionysus Christyselvarajah

International Tamil: Head of Subcommittee

Vankkam everyone! I would love to be your head of subcommitee for next year!

I have shown my commitment to TSOC by organising games night as subcommitee with Maurika's guidance and helping out on sponsorship day and during MM30, even as a performer. Being a subcommitee member has bettered my understanding of the logistics behind planning events, but also the responsibilites of being head of subcommitee. Through my experience with TSOC, I have improved my communication and decision-making skills which aid me in being an ample leader and interact with the first years.

In addition, being a cadet team leader has shown me how vital it is to relay information to others (such as other commitee members) and to delegate roles and small tasks to make a big goal achievable, which is needed by the head of subcommitee for Mega Maalai. To further this, I organised the games night with the team, including the activities and timings. I was able to think on my feet and ensured everyone was updated with the plans for the night, because teamwork is necessary for events to run seamlessly.

I hope to bring more events for the freshers and collaborate with the heads of events to help incorporate more first years into TSOC. For example, more frequent small activites, such as: mini golf, bowling, dinners. I felt comfortable at the meet and greet and it was really enjoyable, I hope to bring the same vibes and keep the bar high. Thank you.