Photo of Sofia Zibordi

Sofia Zibordi

Friends of Médecins Sans Frontières: Events Coordinator

Having attended numerous "Friends of MSF" events, I have seen firsthand the power of well-organized gatherings in bringing our community together. These events not only raise essential funds but also educate and inspire participants about the lifesaving work of MSF.

As Events Coordinator, I have a clear vision for the future. I plan to create memorable events that resonate with our community, focusing on innovative and engaging formats that capture attention and drive participation. Enhancing our fundraising efforts is a top priority, and I will develop creative strategies to maximize our potential, ensuring each event significantly supports MSF's mission.

Promoting awareness is another key goal. I will organize events that educate the public about MSF's work, highlighting the stories and impact of their medical missions. By sharing these powerful narratives, we can deepen understanding and increase support for MSF.

Strengthening community engagement is also crucial. I aim to foster a strong sense of community among our supporters and volunteers, encouraging active participation and involvement in all our events. Building this network of engaged individuals will amplify our efforts and create a more robust support system for MSF.

My commitment to excellence drives my approach to this role. With a blend of organizational skills, creativity, and dedication, I am determined to make every event a success. I will work tirelessly to ensure that our events benefit MSF's vital work and support my fellow volunteers and supporters in their efforts.