Drama (ICSM): Social Secretary


Devni Peramunugamage

My name is Devni and I am running for drama social sec with Joseph! The people I’ve met through drama and the memories we’ve all made have been a massive part of my uni experience, and it'd be my honour to take on the role of social sec to help keep making drama events happen, so more people can have the experiences I did! As well as all our regular big events, me and joseph would love to run more casual ...

Joseph de Laubenque

My name is Joseph, and I am running for drama social sec with Devni. I am running for this position as I had a wonderful time attending many events run last year and would like to give back by helping to organise events next year. I think I will be well equipped for this role as even though this is my first committee position, I am enthusiastic and passionate about the role!