Photo of Amber Chen

Amber Chen

RAG (ICSM): Sponsorship Officer

Having loved RAG events since first year, I approach this role with anticipation and passion.

Fresh from completing my position as Sponsorship Officer for the ICSM Fashion Show, I believe I have cultivated my outreach, negotiation and organisational skills and feel confident that I can do well in RAG. Using my newly gained experience, I now know how to liaise with companies, and have learnt which methods are most efficient to elicit responses, and most importantly, have gained resilience when dealing with rejection. I will be active as a sponsorship officer and constantly adapt and form new ideas concerning the sponsors we target, to increase the success rate of acquiring sponsorship.

Going forwards, I aim to:

  • Subsidise smaller expenses wherever I can, to maximise the profit made for charities – e.g. food and drink, or prizes
  • Collaborate with the media officers so we can offer publicity, to increase success of getting sponsorship
  • Target companies which are/have been known sponsors to other Imperial or universities’ societies
  • Tailor the sponsors to the specific event we are organising – with particular focus on newer events like the Culture Ball
  • Maintain good relations with our recurring sponsors

I believe I am an ideal candidate because I am completely familiar with the role, what it entails and will strive to make sponsorship the least of RAG’s concerns.

Thank you for reading my manifesto!