Photo of Zhiqing Xia

Zhiqing Xia

Energy: President

Hello my fellow Energy Soc members,

I'm Sarah, a third year (going into fourth year) experimental physicist, with a passion for the energy industry. Despite being a relatively new member of Energy Soc, I very much respect and appreciate the existence of Energy Soc in the college and its purpose. Amidst the frenzy of unrelenting Extinction Rebellion protests and angsty climate-conscious people pointing their fingers at the Supermajors, I think there is much to be said about the energy industry as a whole, not to defend them, but to understand them better. Last summer I interned at bp (and received a full-time offer), which gave me more insights than I ever hoped to have - and forged meaningful connections at the firm. I am standing for President of Energy Soc in the hope that, as President, I would be able to make use of my connections and invite bp's employees to give talks at the college and at other events associated with Energy Soc. I would also love to share my experience and insights of applying to bp and interning there.

Thank you for reading my manifesto, and I hope to have your vote. In either case, I hope you have a good summer holiday and take the break that you all very much deserve!

