Photo of Minnah Kandeil

Minnah Kandeil

Dance (ICSM): Chair

Hi everyone,

I’m Minnah and I would love to be your President next year! This is mainly because I LOVE ICSM Dance and the vibes, but also I think I would enjoy the role in leading the society next year. Having been treasurer this year, I am familiar with the responsibilities of the role of president since I worked closely with our lovely current president, Twinkle. Also, having been performance officer the year prior, I know how to best support the society and collaborate with others to organise a Tour and our Annual performances. Most importantly, I want to make sure everyone enjoys their time at ICSM Dance next year and continue the growth we’ve had these past few years, but especially fellow future committee members. The vibes on committee are always unmatched and I would love to continue that next year, and for all of us to work together to continue slaying as we always slay.