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Shreya Sridharan

Dance (ICSM): Secretary
Hi everyone,
I’m Shreya, a 3rd year medic and I’d love to be the dance secretary next year!! This has been my second year in dance and I’ve loved every second of it. From classes to performances and of course all the fabulous socials, I’ve loved being a part of dance. This year I’ve especially enjoyed being on committee and getting to know everyone in the society more. I hope to get even more involved next year. As the publicity officer, I’ve had experience in making posts and flyers to get across information and encourage more people to come to the various dance events, which will hopefully translate to my email writing skills. It has also involved plenty of communication with all of committee and keeping up with various deadlines. I know how important time management is, especially as secretary but I’ve been told I’m rather organised (according to Isha) and I like to keep on top of things with everything going straight into the calendar. Plus, I reckon I’ve got a pretty fast typing speed so taking minutes should be a breeze!
Thanks for reading my manifesto and I look forward to another year of being part of dance!!
Lots of love,
Shreya :)