Photo of Vishali Veeramreddy

Vishali Veeramreddy

Medical Education: Year 6 Co-ordinator


I am running for MedED 6th year coordinator with Karen Li.

With your vote, we plan to:

  • Ensure smooth running of lecture series recapping all the key content needed for year 6
  • Conduct a Year 6 mock paces alongside ICSMSU
  • Establish a tutoring system between 6th years and FY1 doctors for paces and advice for transitioning into FY1.
  • Ensure information and resources for final year is up to date

We understand the immense value of MedED as a resource for students throughout each year of medical school. From being an essential source of revision for the written exams to being an invaluable practice tool for practical exams, we hope to make it just as useful for our final year of medical school.

Through our roles in various societies, we have developed the essential skills needed for this position. We have experience organising and coordinating events whilst serving as key points of contact, through my roles as fundraising coordinator, events coordinator, and secretary and marketing for Friends of MSF and the Punjabi Society, and Karen’s role as IC Badminton Women’s Captain for three consecutive years. This diverse experience has equipped us with the organisational and leadership skills required to excel as MedED 6th Year Coordinators.

We understand the demands and complexities of the role and would love to have this opportunity to implement our ideas and open to any suggestions you may have to further improve our initiatives.

Thank you for your time, and we hope to earn your vote!