Hello! I am running for MedED 6th year coordinator with Karen Li. With your vote, we plan to: Ensure smooth running of lecture series recapping all the key content needed for year 6 Conduct a Year 6 mock paces alongside ICSMSU Establish a tutoring system between 6th years and FY1 doctors for paces and advice for transitioning into FY1. Ensure information and resources for final year is up to date We unders ...
Hello! I am running for MedED 6th year coordinator with Vishali. With your vote, we plan to: Ensure smooth running of lecture series recapping all the key content needed for year 6 Conduct a Year 6 mock paces alongside ICSMSU Establish a tutoring system between 6th years and FY1 doctors for paces and advice for transitioning into FY1. Ensure information and resources for final year is up to date We underst ...