Photo of Vishal Vijay Kumar

Vishal Vijay Kumar

Vision: Treasurer

Hi everyone,

My name is Vishal, and I am a current 2nd year medic.

I am running for this position because I would like to incorporate more volunteering into my lifestyle and take a more active role in volunteering such as being involved in the planning and implementation of volunteer schemes instead of just being a volunteer.

Throughout the past year, I have volunteered with many societies including with Vision such as the personal statement review programme. During such volunteering positions I found the idea of helping those equally as passionate as me about medicine but disadvantaged by their background to help reach medical school as quite a fulfilling volunteering experience. This is the reason why I wish to be involved more closely with volunteering in this society in the coming year.

As for the specific position of Treasurer, I believe myself to be fiscally prudent and will make sure any expenses are justified to ensure any funds can be used optimally.

Thank you for reading my manifesto and I hope you'll consider voting for me.

- Vishal