Photo of Ayma Ahmed

Ayma Ahmed

Vision: Recruitment Officer

Hi, my name is Ayma and I’m a first year medic running for the role of recruitment officer for ICSM vision!

Having seen the impact ICSM vision has on applicants journeys to medicine, both as a student themselves receiving support from conferences and workshops and throughout aiding events this year, I recognise the importance of volunteers who dedicate time to supporting students who may not have access to support or guidance. As a recruitment officer, I would strive to build and maintain a passionate and dedicated group of volunteers who understand the importance of the role they play in supporting aspiring students get into medicine.

Having successfully organised widening participation events to facilitate access to medicine at my previous school, I have honed essential skills that I am eager to bring to the role of recruitment officer. My experience has equipped me with robust teamwork abilities, which will help enable seamless collaboration with the rest of the committee . Additionally, my refined communication skills are pivotal in promoting our mission and effectively recruiting dedicated volunteers who are passionate about supporting our society’s goals of supporting the future generations of medics.

With my passion of promoting medicine to those who may come from disadvantaged backgrounds and commitment to breaking down barriers to access to medicine, I hope I have your vote. Thank you for reading my manifesto :)