Photo of Rory Brooks

Rory Brooks

Big Band: Events Manager


I'd like to stand for election as the Biggest events manager for the Biggest Band to ever Be Big.

I believe I'll be pretty good at this since I've done the same role (gig manager) in Live Music Soc for 2 years now and they're doing alright. I'm also a master at passive aggressive emails.

There are some Bigots in Big Band who claim that the Bigness of the Band may not continue into next year. I am here to tell you, we will not go quietly into the night. The Bigness of the Big Band is only Biginning. We shall only get Bigger, and one day our Bigness shall grow so unfathomably Big that not event Jazz itself shall escape our gravitational pull.

Tl;Dr. Please vote for me, I like this band alot, and would very much like to continue it into next year. Plus I'm good at gig stuff.