Big Band: Events Manager


Rory Brooks

Ayup, I'd like to stand for election as the Biggest events manager for the Biggest Band to ever Be Big. I believe I'll be pretty good at this since I've done the same role (gig manager) in Live Music Soc for 2 years now and they're doing alright. I'm also a master at passive aggressive emails. There are some Bigots in Big Band who claim that the Bigness of the Band may not continue into next year. I am here to t ...

Amy Curry

Hello! Over the last 2 years big band gigs have been everything from performing to a crowd of two in Madrid to performing alongside the SLO (both of which were equally enjoyable). In an attempt to further procrastinate from my degree I have decided to run to organise all of the gigs and events for next year! Why should you vote for me - I know people (will try to ensure we always have a full band for gigs + work ...