Photo of Eric Alcober Gelpi

Eric Alcober Gelpi

Materials: Events Officer

Hello everyone.

Guess who's back at it again for another shot as Events Officer? It's yours truly, Eric Alcober! As the current Webmaster, I'm already an integral part of the MATSOC committee, but now it's time to level up!

As a committee member who's been to almost every event this year, I know exactly how much work goes into pulling off a great event and how rewarding it is when everything goes right (and even when it doesn’t, because, hey, good stories!).

If I win, I pledge to bring you at least 2 big events every term – because who doesn't love a good party? Dinners, industry trips, and casual hangouts will be our new normal. Think of it as MATSOC with more fun, more friends, and fewer dull evenings.

Vote for me, and let's make this year the most fun, exciting, and memorable one yet. Cheers to fantastic events and even greater memories!
