Photo of Shevitha Segar

Shevitha Segar

Gazette: News Editor

Hi, my name is Shevitha and I’d love to be the Gazette’s News Editor this year!

It’s important to stay up-to-date with the news, and I’d love to be the person to help do this via the Gazette, especially at a time of ever-changing situations, not only worldwide but also related to the current state of the NHS.

With the many plans for the Gazette over the next year, I’m excited to see how the magazine grows, especially with the making of the podcast. It would be interesting to contribute to this as the News Editor and possibly present the podcast with any hot topics to bring under the limelight. With my previous experience of producing a brochure for a hospital in Europe, I believe I have the skillset fit for this position, as well as the ability to tackle the responsibility. I’m also an enthusiast when it comes to discussing current events, and so being a part of this society would definitely let me explore my inner ‘investigative journalist’ persona further :D

The Gazette is a great part of ICSM and showcasing what the university is about, and being a part of the team would be a privilege.

Thank you and I’d really appreciate it if you could vote for me :))