Photo of Onali Perera

Onali Perera

Gazette: Academic Editor

Hi everyone! I'll make this short and sweet. My name is Onali and I have lots of ideas for the Gazette!
As a 4th year, I am well placed to become Academic editor this year. I would:

  • Use my accumulated design skills to create guides (such as the iBSc guide) with an appropriate, accessible, clear and eye-catching format. I'm in prime position to engage with both 4th and 5th years to evaluate each choice fairly, and I have experience with making posters accessible to as many people as possible. I'm also always willing to learn!
  • Create a survey reviewing different medical resources, such as Quesmed, Passmed and other question banks to place either in the blog, as an article on the gazette, or a separate format similar to the BSc guide.
  • Collaborate closely with other academic societies in ICSM to produce thorough work.

I am a writer at heart, and so would love to write articles or features if needed. The key is consistency, good communication and teamwork. As an executive and committee member in the past of Poetry and ICSM Drama, a regular volunteer in Paediatrics and Vision, and someone who does many extra projects on the side, my time-management and organisational skill is enough to meet deadlines and taut requirements. I also have editorial skill from tutoring and essay marking, as well as Procreate/Canva design skill from creating Poetry and Psychiatry publicity.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you consider voting for me!