Photo of Meena Gopal

Meena Gopal

Gazette: Clubs and Societies Editor

Hi, my name is Meena, I'm a 3rd year medical student and I'd love to be your Clubs and Socs Editor this year!

Seeing all the hard work the current committee has put into the Gazette this year has inspired me to get involved and make my own contribution to the magazine. I am especially interested in this role as I'm just really passionate about clubs and societies! These can be so enriching to the uni experience and are so important to building a university community.

Imperial has the largest number of societies of any UK university and there's a breadth of societies under ICSMSU alone. My main aim would be to boost awareness of different clubs and encourage students to try new activities they perhaps hadn't thought of before! This could be helpful to a lot of students, particularly Freshers, who are new to Imperial.

Additionally, I've had a flavour for all sorts of societies over the past three years - I've been on committees for ICSM Music and Dance this past year and have also been part of various academic societies. I believe the different insights I have gained from working closely with these societies would lend well to this role. Aside from that, I have some prior experience writing for my school Journal.

The Gazette is an incredible journalistic resource which we are so lucky to have - I'd love to be able to make my own contribution. Thank you for reading and I hope I get your vote!