Gazette: Clubs and Societies Editor


Onali Perera

Hi again everyone! My name is Onali and I'm a 4th-year with lots of ideas. You may have also seen me as a candidates for next year's academic editor, but I believe I have a lot to contribute to committee and a wide-ranging skillset that also fits this role. If I was voted in, I would: Use my contacts in ICSM Drama and other ICSM societies to create comprehensive, concise and entertaining pieces highlighting Medic ...

Meena Gopal

Hi, my name is Meena, I'm a 3rd year medical student and I'd love to be your Clubs and Socs Editor this year! Seeing all the hard work the current committee has put into the Gazette this year has inspired me to get involved and make my own contribution to the magazine. I am especially interested in this role as I'm just really passionate about clubs and societies! These can be so enriching to the uni experience and ...