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Kanika Kirupakaran

International Tamil: Head of MM


I’m Kanika and I would love to be your head of MegaMaalai this year. In my first year at Imperial, being part of TSOC has been an enjoyable experience, I understand that MM is a huge part of our community and as such a highly anticipated annual event, this role demands an incredible level of commitment, which I am ready to show.

I believe that I possess the skills and qualities necessary to carry out my role efficiently. During sixth form, I led the school’s charity committee, organising several successful fundraising events. My experience of the logistical organisation of these smaller events will be fundamental to what I can bring to the role of head of MM. As a subcommittee member, I negotiated in Tamil with potential sponsors to help secure funding. For games night, I designed and liaised with the admin team to produce the games night post, which promoted our event. I demonstrated organisational and teamworking skills alongside other subcommittee members and helped committee members with various roles. This day gave me great insight into the work that goes into running MM.

Given this role, I would like to liaise with the marketing team and place greater emphasis on the positive impacts of MM across our social media platforms, in the lead up to ticket sales.

It would be an honour to take this role and direct an event that is so crucial to our community, both amongst students and amongst the charities we work with.