Photo of Janushana Sutharsan

Janushana Sutharsan

TeddyBear Hospital: Innovation Officer

I am Janushana, a third-year medic running for Innovation Officer for Teddy Bear Hospital. As a frequent TBH volunteer since first year and PlayTeam volunteer, I enjoy interacting with and teaching younger children about their health and am keen to contribute to TBH.

Currently, I am Publicity Officer for both LMAP Society and Paediatric Society and I am also the Secretary for Teddy Bear, often being the first point of contact for volunteers to ask any questions or concerns. Working with different teams of people, I have been able to develop my communication skills. Furthermore, it has helped me to juggle multiple roles whilst still navigate my responsibilities effectively and manage my time. This has also given me a lot of experience designing posts on Canva and getting creative with these.

As Innovation Officer, my aims for this year are:

  • Workbook – Along with subcommittee, design a workbook summarising the key information from each station through activities, puzzles and colouring pages. Through this, we can increase interaction having competitions for volunteers to design various pages of the workbook.
  • Merchandise - Work alongside Equipment Officers to introduce some special TBH merch such as tote bags, notebooks and continue the knitted teddy bears.
  • Collaboration - Collaborate with other societies do school visits with themed stations or with pages in the workbook e.g. collaborating with Neuroscience Society to organise stations about the brain and mental health and potentially organise a goodie bag for the children for these collaboration visits.