Photo of Amit Saroa

Amit Saroa

Punjabi: Head of Events

Punjabi culture should always be celebrated. By bringing people together of all backgrounds we can truly share the vibrance of the Punjabi diaspora. In my own experience, the Punjabi society is where I made some of my best friendships whilst at Imperial. The events that are brought by the society are second to none. This is why I would like to stand for Head of Events.

As Head of Events I aim to bring multiple monthly events that truly represent the Punjabi culture and are inclusive to all students. Examples include: movie nights, game nights and the contiued tradition of the Gup Shup welcome event. I will also aim to collaborate with other universities so that our students are represented in the wider community and can make more diverse connections.

The Punjabi society has a rich history at Imperial, I will help ensure that this continues by bringing exciting events throughout the year should I be elected.