Photo of Hanting Shen

Hanting Shen

Chinese Students & Scholars Association: Deputy Head of Careers Department (Academic)

My name is Hanting, and I am honored to stand as a candidate for Deputy Head of the Careers Department (Academic).

Over the past year, I have dedicated myself to the department's endeavors, from participating in spring week panels to coordinating job fairs. Through these experiences, I have honed my communication, event planning, and project management skills. More importantly, I have developed a deep understanding of our student body's needs and aspirations.

One initiative I am passionate about is improving the accessibility of our events. Reflecting on my experience attending the spring week panel with UCL CSSA, I recognized the inconvenience it posed for Imperial students due to its location and timing. Thus, I aim to organize similar events on our campus to ensure all students have equitable access to valuable insights and networking opportunities.

Furthermore, I am eager to continue the successful initiatives pioneered by our department, such as the China-UK Technology Summit and Insight Days. These events bridge academic knowledge with real-world experiences, and I am excited about expanding their reach and impact.

With your support, I am confident in our ability to elevate the department and empower students to achieve their career aspirations. Please vote for me. Thank you.