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Nhan Dinh

Asian Medical Students Association: Publicity Officer

Hi my name is Nhan, and you may know me as the current secretary of AMSA :)

This year I have decided to apply for the role of Publicity Officer, with the desire to take a more creative approach to the management of AMSA!

Skills/What do I bring?

  • Artistic background – painting, crocheting, digital art.
  • Confidence in using Canva to make presentations, posters, and leaflets.
  • Previous management of the AMSA Instagram account during my time as Secretary
  • Attention to detail
  • Well-experienced in social media and using Instagram

My aims as publicity officer:

  • Work collaboratively with other members of the committee to ensure all deadlines and posts are met to the best quality.
  • Posting earlier in the year and more frequently!
  • Attendance to as many events as I can :)
  • Proactive approach when integrating with Barts to uphold the high standard of AMSA’s Marketing
  • Promoting AMSA earlier in the year to spread awareness about our society to grow our AMSA community and diversity

I’ll do my best to encourage recognition of our community and would appreciate your support!

Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto.