Photo of Arjun Deshmukh

Arjun Deshmukh

Gaming and Esports: Vice Chair Esports

Hello everyone,

My name is Arjun, and I am running for the role of Vice Chair Esports. Having been part of a gaming team from Imperial, I understand the challenges we face, including:

  1. Setting up a team with reliable reserves and substitutes.
  2. Finding and enrolling in relevant events and tournaments.

If elected, I will work closely with game admins to support recruitment, ensuring that all society members who want to join or try out for a team have the opportunity to do so. Even if some games have lower engagement, with the help of game admins, I aim to form a team for every game to encourage participation (from those who want to of course!)

The university esports scene can be vast and complex. I will assist game admins in identifying relevant competition opportunities, such as inter-university tournaments and events. This will provide players and members with more chances to compete and represent Imperial positively in the esports landscape.

Thank you for your support. Together, we can create a more inclusive and engaged esports community :D